Tips and Tricks

Smoking Joints With Friends

Smoking joints with friends is where the rules of joint etiquette really apply. One of the first rules of smoking with friends is that the person who rolls the joint sparks it. However, the roller is, of course, allowed to pass the privilege to another. Take two reasonably-long puffs without hogging the joint, and pass to your left, unless house rules specify otherwise. When you exhale, make sure that you don’t blow your smoke into someone else’s face, which is, at...


Save That Already Vaped Bud!

If you vape flower, it quickly adds up to grams and grams of garbage. But is it garbage? You aren’t the only one who has wondered if there is anything productive you can do with already vaped bud. Until now you might have just tossed it into the ashtray, even though it wasn’t ash. If you cared about the planet, maybe you composted it. What if we told you, you should save that AVB! Sure you can toss it, but there are...


To Roll or Not to Roll?

If you're not accustomed to rolling your own cigarettes but still want to customise your sesh, you should consider rolling cones. Although cones are a little more expensive than rolling papers, they can be bought in almost any quantity and save smokers precious time and money. Although many purists prefer rolling papers, there are many benefits of pre-rolled cones. If you're a purist that enjoys cones, you can also roll your own with the vast amount of cone rolling...